新关注 > 信息聚合 > 围棋人机大战明日落子 李世石vs谷歌奖金百万美元

围棋人机大战明日落子 李世石vs谷歌奖金百万美元

Go I move later tomorrow Lee se-dol vs. Google bonus millions of us dollars

2016-03-08 08:31:21来源: 中国新闻网

李世石能否代表人类捏卫荣誉 当围棋这个地球上最古老的智力游戏,和最新的人工智能碰撞,会产生怎样的火花?当谷歌把这封战书抛到韩国14个世界冠军获得者李世石面前,立刻引起了他的兴趣,甚至没留神还有100万美元的奖金。同样充满兴趣的,还有中国的新科世界冠军柯洁、无数的中外围棋迷,以及更多关...

Lee se-dol can represent the human who honor When the game on the planet's oldest puzzles, and the latest artificial intelligence collision, will produce what kind of sparks? When Google throw this letter the gauntlet to Korea before 14 world champion winner lee se-dol, immediately aroused his interest, and a $1 million bonus didn't even look out. Also full of interest, and China's newly crowned world champion KeJie, countless chess fan in the periphery, and more close...

标签: 谷歌