新关注 > 信息聚合 > 口袋妖怪复刻斗笠菇图鉴 斗笠菇属性图鉴

口袋妖怪复刻斗笠菇图鉴 斗笠菇属性图鉴

Pokemon engraved bamboo hat mushroom illustrations breloom attribute illustrations

2015-09-28 19:15:14来源: 4399

口袋妖怪复刻中会从头部蕈伞的洞里散播孢子。最喜欢温暖潮湿的气候,以草原或森林里的草木为食。 斗笠菇对战其他属性精灵时属性相克预览表:

Pokemon engraved will from the hole in the head of a mushroom, spread the spores. Most like warm and humid climate, in order to grassland or forest vegetation for food. Hats on mushroom attribute table. The preview and other attribute wizard: