新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郭德纲过京剧瘾 宋丹丹让冯小刚为其买房?

郭德纲过京剧瘾 宋丹丹让冯小刚为其买房?

Guo degang Peking Opera fan Eternal song dan-dan famous let feng xiaogang to buy?

2016-09-04 14:53:43来源: 中国新闻网

中新网9月4日电 本周日晚,中国京剧在东方卫视《笑傲江湖》上一展风采。当来自法国的默剧撞上中国的京剧,别具一格的喜剧就此诞生。对京剧深有研究的郭德纲,被戏瘾“勾引”着再三上台献唱,让观众大饱耳福。一...

Beijing, Sept. 4 (xinhua) on Sunday night, Chinese opera in the Oriental TV "smile the ao river's lake". When French mime into China's Peking Opera, having a unique style of comedy was born. Deep studies of guo degang in Beijing Opera are search "seduce" sing on stage again and again, let the audience appetite. A...