新关注 > 信息聚合 > 扎实推进,打造国家级江北新区


Solid progress, and create a national Jiangbei District

2016-01-09 07:42:26来源: 华龙网

2015年6月下旬,酝酿4年的南京江北新区正式获批入列“国家级”新区。2015年成为国家级江北新区的起步之年。 这是江苏省和南京市集中优势资源打造的发展新引擎。在过去的一年中,江北新区走过了怎样...

In late June 2015, brewing four years of Nanjing Jiangbei District formally approved into the column "national" New. 2015 became the start of the year a national Jiangbei New Area. It is concentrated in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, and the advantages of resources to build a new engine development. In the past year, Jiangbei District through how ...