新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国庆66周年走访医院:感受"国庆宝宝"父母喜悦


The 66 anniversary of national day visits to the hospital: feeling "national day baby parents happy

2015-10-02 09:49:14来源: 半岛网

能在国庆节这天出生,当然是“可遇不可求”的。10月1日一大早,记者来到岛城几家医院妇产科,感受“国庆宝宝”们给父母带来的喜上加喜。 第一个宝宝,乳名叫“国庆” 在市妇儿医院,今年第一个“国庆...

can in the national day that day was born, of course, is" can not be met for ". October 1, early in the morning, the reporters came to the castle a few hospital department of gynaecology and obstetrics, feel "national day baby" to the parents to bring your joy. The first baby, was called "National Day" in the city hospital, the first "National Day this year...