新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热成像微波炉或成型 了解食物是否完全加热

热成像微波炉或成型 了解食物是否完全加热

Thermal imaging microwave oven or forming understanding whether food completely heating

2015-02-25 19:37:43来源: 天极网

微波炉的发明让我们的美食有了更多的选择,特别是储存在冰箱里面的食物,通过微波炉的加热,不损失原先的味道,即可享受美食,不过,我们也经常面临着外面热了,里面却还没有解冻的现象,让人不胜烦扰。 不过,近日发明家Mark Rober表示,要为微波炉加入了热成像显示特性,这样用户就能在屏幕上...

microwave oven invention let our Food have more choices, especially the stored in the food in the refrigerator, by microwave heating, without loss of the original flavor, you can enjoy the Food, not too, we are often faced with the outside heat but, inside haven't thaw phenomenon, let a person be bother. However, recently inventor Mark Rober says, for microwave oven joined the thermal imaging display characteristics, so that the user can be on the screen...