新关注 > 信息聚合 > 钻石组合出局里约前景堪忧 曾是风云头号劲敌

钻石组合出局里约前景堪忧 曾是风云头号劲敌

Diamond Rio was woeful combined out number one rival situation

2016-04-29 00:36:18来源: 新浪

钻石组合 新浪体育讯 虽然奥运积分排名的结果要在亚锦赛结束后才会尘埃落定,但就连李宗伟都知道,如果“钻石”组合古健杰/陈文宏要去参加奥运会,唯一的机会就是在此次武汉之行中站上最高领奖台。在201...

Diamond combination of sina sports dispatch although Olympic ranking results to and, in the end of the Asian Championships until after the dust has settled, but even Lee Chong Wei know, if the "diamond" combination gujianjie / chenwenhong to take part in the Olympic Games, the only chance is in Wuhan, the stood highest podium. In 201...