新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【喜讯】:安居宝荣获德国IF设计奖


"Good news" : treasure won the German the IF design award

2016-01-28 16:47:42来源: CPS中安网

摘要: 在刚刚结束的在德国IF design award 2016国际设计大赛评选中,安居宝楼宇对讲产品(门口机AJB-ZJ15B、AJB-ZJ15C)在全球数千参赛产品中脱颖而出,获得德国IF设计...

Abstract: in the just concluded in Germany the IF design award 2016 international design competition, to treasure building intercom products (the door machine AJB - ZJ15B, AJB - ZJ15C) emerge from thousands of entries in the whole world, Germany the IF design...