新关注 > 信息聚合 > 旧部建言布拉特:NBA有别欧洲 学会在LBJ身旁执教

旧部建言布拉特:NBA有别欧洲 学会在LBJ身旁执教

The old unit Blatter of suggestions: NBA don't European Society of LBJ side coached

2014-08-17 09:05:03来源: 网易

网易体育8月17日报道: 今夏骑士对教练组进行了变革,在欧洲早已声名鹊起的大卫-布拉特新赛季将成为勒布朗-詹姆斯、厄文等人的主帅,这对他而言,无疑是一个巨大的挑战。 布拉特(资料图) 近日,两...

, Netease sports 8 reported on March 17: Summer Knight of the coaching staff changes in, the Europe already famous reputation of the new season David Bratt will become LeBron - James, Irwin et al coach, which to him is undoubtedly a huge challenge. Blatter (data map) recently, two...