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张之洞买古董频交学费 遭商家骗高价收购纸鼎

Zhang zhidong buy antique frequency to pay tuition Ding by merchants cheat to purchase paper

2016-10-08 15:22:20来源: 新浪

清代官场中人,爱玩古物成风。时任湖广总督的张之洞,沧州南皮人,也酷嗜此道。近日,笔者连续读到两则“张之洞误买假古董”的“集藏趣闻”。 “趣闻”一:张之洞奉命回京述职,偶到琉璃厂闲逛,在一家古玩店...

In qing dynasty officialdom, love to play the antiquities. Then HuGuang governor zhang zhidong, cangzhou south skin, also cool addicted to this. Recently, I read two consecutive "zhang zhidong fake antiques" by mistake "treasured works" anecdotes. A: "interesting" zhang zhidong were ordered back to duty visit to Beijing, I want to visit liulichang around, in an antique shop...