新关注 > 信息聚合 > 让我们干了这碗安吉牌鸡汤:人生的路要寄几走


Let's do this bowl of anji brand chicken soup: way to send a few go in life

2016-10-29 23:01:30来源: 国际在线

《爸爸4》昨晚在芒果TV上线,网友又被安吉的鸡汤洗脑,“人生的路要寄几走”,不仅成为安吉挂在嘴边的金句,他也用实际行动奉行这个原则,肩负起照顾弟弟小鱼儿的重任。兄弟俩携手攀爬千级台阶,取早餐时与黄狗大战,化身护饭小战士,爷们力MAX让人暖心又爆笑。 安吉小鱼儿兄弟俩赴湘西红石林村,沙...

"Dad 4" last night in mango TV online, the net friend is angie's chicken soup brainwashed, "a way to send a few go" in life, not only become the anji in gold, he also use practical actions to pursue the principle, take care of my brother bear little fish. Two brothers climb thousand steps, hand in hand take breakfast with yellow dog, incarnation rice little soldier, the yes force MAX warm heart joke again. Anji fish were two brothers in xiangxi fort lam tsuen, sand...