新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小学生要不要学编程?家长很纠结 看老师怎么说

小学生要不要学编程?家长很纠结 看老师怎么说

Elementary school students want to learn programming? Parents struggle See the teacher how to say

2016-11-05 15:37:23来源: 中国宁波网

钟公庙中心小学的孩子们在兴趣社团学习编程。 孩子才上小学二年级,市民陈女士就很纠结:到底要不要让孩子学编程?“听说对小升初有好处,而且能锻炼逻辑思维能力。”陈女士说,身边不少朋友希望通过这个新项...

Bell temple center primary school children learn programming in interest community. Children in elementary school second grade, ms Chen struggle: what do you want to let the child learn programming? "I heard it is good for among, and can exercise the logical thinking ability." Ms Chen said, side many friends hope that through this new item...

标签: 编程