新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《疯狂兔子:编程学院》现已登陆移动平台,支持中文


"Crazy Rabbit: School of programming" has now landed on the mobile platform, supporting Chinese

2020-10-09 11:19:25来源: 游戏时光

  育碧宣布旗下“编程”题材寓教于乐游戏作品《疯狂兔子:编程学院》已于 10 月 8 日登陆 iOS/安卓平台,且本作现已正式加入对中文的支持。  《疯狂兔子:编程学院》是一款具有游戏性的免费编程学习软件,于 2019 年 10 月免费登陆 PC 端育碧商城,通过此次语言和平台拓展,将为更多玩家提供充满乐趣的学习机会。  《疯狂兔子:编程学院》中玩家的任务是清理被疯狂兔子占领的宇宙飞船,玩家不需要有任何编程方面的知识,仅需从菜单中拖拽并排列简单指令,然后传输进头戴“思维控制”装置的疯狂兔子,再使用“播放”按钮来进行测试,从而达成关卡要求,即使是七岁的孩子,只要具备一定的阅读能力,便能跟随游戏逐步学会关于顺序、循环和条件的编程基础知识。

Ubisoft announced that its "programming" Theme Educational Game "Crazy Rabbit: programming academy" has landed on the IOS / Android platform on October 8, and the work has officially joined the support for Chinese. "Crazy Rabbit: programming College" is a free programming learning software with game nature. It will be free to visit Ubisoft mall on PC in October 2019. Through this language and platform expansion, it will provide more players with fun learning opportunities. "Crazy Rabbit: School of programming" player's task is to clean up the spaceship occupied by Crazy Rabbit, players do not need to have any programming knowledge, just drag and arrange simple commands from the menu, and then transmit them to crazy rabbits wearing "mind control" devices, and then use the "play" button to test, so as to achieve the level requirements, even seven As long as they have certain reading ability, they can gradually learn the basic programming knowledge about sequence, cycle and condition.

标签: 编程