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童年游戏重现 网易卡搭编程发布每周原创佳作

Childhood game netease card by programming published weekly original piece

2018-05-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

坦克大战、下100层、flappybird……这些都是承载着不少80后、90后青春回忆的游戏。而现在有一群00后,他们已不仅仅是简单地玩游戏,还编程还原出了这些童年经典! 5月24日,网易卡搭编程发布每周原创作品排行榜TOP10。官方以创新、人气等多个维度对5月18日-5月24日期间平台上的原创作品进行评定,甄选出了十大优秀作品。 一些作品衍生自经典游戏,如《坦克大战2.0》,《下100层2.0》,《毛线的冒险》,《进击的章鱼》,在超级玛丽、坦克大战等童年游戏基础上做了再创造,玩法与界面都十分还原。 还有一些益智休闲类佳作,如《发烧级层叠消融》以游戏的形式考验玩家的记忆力,而《休闲...

Tanks war, 100 layer, flappybird... These are all carrying a lot of after 80, 80 after the youth memory game. And now there is a group of 00, they are not simply playing games, also programming to restore these childhood classic! On May 24, netease card programming published weekly list may need original works. Official with innovation, popularity, and many other dimensions on May 24, on May 18 - the original works on the platform were assessed during screening out of the top ten outstanding works. Some works derived from classic games, such as "2.0 tanks war", "the next layer of 2.0 100", "wool adventure", "to advance the octopus", such as the super Mary, tanks war game has created on the basis of childhood, play and interface are restored. Still have some puzzle leisure class, such as the "melting" cascade "test players memory in the form of the game, and the leisure...

标签: 游戏 网易 编程