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This mouse designed for online game: 13 programming keys only too little finger

2017-04-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

Patriot品牌最新宣布推出一款专为MMO类型游戏设计的鼠标——Viper V570。 Viper V570破具侵略性的外观之外还在功能和性能细节上针对MMO游戏进行了优化,提供了多达13个可编程按键,和适用于FPS游戏的狙击键。 鼠标内部,Viper V570搭载安华高9800激光传感器,具有12000DPI,鼠标默认提供四档DPI调节。左右键配备了欧姆龙微动。 另外,Viper V570还具备可自定义的RGB灯光系统,以及总重34.2克的配重模块,方便喜欢不同手感的玩家进行调节。 目前,Viper V570的价格已经出炉,售价60美元。

Patriot brand new announced to launch a specially designed for MMO game mouse - 9 V570. 9 V570 broken aggressive appearance also on the functionality and performance details for MMO game is optimized, provides up to 13 programmable buttons, and is suitable for the sniper key FPS game. The mouse inside, 9 V570 anwar high carrying 9800 laser sensor, with 12000 DPI, the mouse by default provide four DPI adjustment. About key equipped with omron domestic move. In addition, the Viper V570 has customizable RGB lighting system, as well as the total weight of 34.2 grams of weight module, convenient like different feel is adjusted by the players. Currently, 9 V570 has come, the price of $60.

标签: 网游 编程