新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人气总选举烽火重燃:抽签仪式预告&海选赛回顾


Popular election War: preview of drawing Ceremony & review of auditions

2020-10-08 12:16:06来源: 游戏时光

   从前几届的参与者,到今年有幸成为组织者之一,「游戏角色人气总选举」一直是我最期待的网站活动。尽管今年迟到了个把日子,但我们对角色的热爱并没有随时间而减淡半分。  自 9 月中旬正式开幕以来,「总选举」收到了非常踊跃的支持和参加。10 场海选赛,大家一共投出了 149677 票,其中最高单场投票数更是超过两万人次。此外更有多位朋友在俱乐部发文/图应援,为自己喜欢的角色拉票助威。  但海选赛还只是前菜,十一长假即将过去,「总选举」烽火再燃。首先迎来的便是公开分组抽签仪式【直播间地址】,我们将于 10 月 9 日(明天)中午 12:00 进行男女小组赛的抽签直播,欢迎各位前来观看。而之后的 10 月 12 日,32 进 16 小组赛正式开赛。  在抽签仪式之前, 不妨来回顾下大名单,以及总选举迄今为止的一些亮

From the participants of previous sessions to this year, I have the honor to become one of the organizers. The "general election of game character popularity" has always been my most anticipated website activity. Despite being a little late this year, our love for the characters has not diminished over time. Since its official opening in mid September, the "general election" has received enthusiastic support and participation. In the 10 auditions, a total of 149677 votes were cast, of which the highest number of votes in a single match was more than 20000. In addition, there are many friends in the club to send articles / pictures to support their favorite role. However, the contest is only a prelude. The National Day holiday will soon be over, and the "general election" will be on fire again. First of all, there will be a public group drawing ceremony [address of live broadcasting room]. We will broadcast the draw of men's and women's group matches at 12:00 noon on October 9 (tomorrow). Welcome to watch. And then on October 12, 32 into 16 group competition officially opened. Before the draw,