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网飞公布全新《哥斯拉》动画剧集 明年4月开始放送

Netflix announced new "Godzilla" animation series to be released in April next year

2020-10-08 08:28:04来源: 游戏时光

  Netflix 宣布,将推出全新原创动画剧集《哥斯拉 奇点》(Godzilla Singular Point),2021 年 4 月播出。  《哥斯拉 奇点》将由 Bones 和 Orange 合作制作,呈现出结合手绘和 CG 动画的风格。高桥敦史(《哆啦A梦:大雄的南极冰冰凉大冒险》)担任导演,加藤和惠(《青之驱魔师》)任角色设计。  目前还没有太多关于《哥斯拉 奇点》的剧情的消息,不过 Netflix 已经确认,本剧的剧情和角色都是全新且独立的,不会与 Netflix 的其他《哥斯拉》IP 有什么联系。  Netflix 还放出了本剧中角色的设计图。来源:GameSpot

Netflix announced that it will launch a new original animation series Godzilla single point, which will be broadcast in April 2021. "Goldblatch point" will be produced by bones and orange in a style that combines hand-painted and CG animation. Takahashi (Doraemon: Takahashi's Antarctic ice adventure) is the director, Kato and Hui (the Exorcist of youth) are the role designers. At present, there is not much news about the plot of "Godzilla point", but Netflix has confirmed that the plot and characters of the play are new and independent, and will not have any connection with Netflix's other Godzilla IP. Netflix also released a design for the characters in the show. Source: gamespot