新关注 > 信息聚合 > 当玩家谈论「讨厌游戏蹦数字」时,他们在谈论什么


What are players talking about when they talk about "hate numbers jumping"

2020-10-08 10:00:42来源: 游戏时光

  不知道从什么时候开始,只要一款游戏会显示伤害数字,哪怕游戏还没发售,也会有不少玩家预判其「质量不行」。  比如前段时间发售的《漫威复仇者》,当水晶动力公开实机演示,本作就因为「蹦数字」被不少玩家判定为「不良作」。当初剑指「年度最佳游戏」的豪言,不用等到游戏开始测试,就被玩家当成了暴言。《哥谭骑士》  除了《漫威复仇者》之外,DC 家新公布的《哥谭骑士》中采用了同样的设计,一些玩家也不约而同地产生了抗拒心理。  当玩家们对「蹦数字」皱起眉头,他们真正讨厌的是什么?为了搞清楚这个问题,还得从「蹦数字」的源头说起。「蹦数字」的缘起  说起游戏中的「数字」,玩家第一个联想到的游戏类型是什么?相信多数玩家都会给出「RPG」这个答案。  本质上大多数游戏都离不开数值,但数值对 RPG 来说尤为重要。从 20 世纪 70

I don't know when to start. As long as a game will display the damage number, even if the game has not been released, many players will predict that its "quality is not good.". For example, the marvel avenger, which was released some time ago, was judged as a "bad work" by many players because of "jumping numbers". At the beginning, the boast of "game of the year" was regarded by players as outrageous words without waiting for the game to start testing. In addition to marvel avenger, the DC family's newly released Gotham Knight uses the same design, and some players have the same resistance. When players frown at "jump numbers," what do they really hate? In order to understand this problem, we have to start from the source of "jumping numbers". The origin of "jumping numbers". Speaking of "numbers" in games, what is the first type of game that players associate with? I believe most players will give the answer "RPG". In essence, most games are inseparable from numerical value, but numerical value is particularly important for RPG. From the 1970s

标签: 游戏 玩家