新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武侠探索月 《新蜀门》周年庆新服9月4日开启

武侠探索月 《新蜀门》周年庆新服9月4日开启

Martial arts to explore the month "" "anniversary new service on September 4, open

2015-08-26 20:12:53来源: 电玩巴士

《新蜀门》周年庆第一部曲,爱尚八月——铁血柔情月即将圆满收官。在这一个月里,我们经历了铁血直升特权服以及柔情七夕服,9月主题月即将开启了,这次又会给玩家带来什么样的惊喜呢?周年庆新服将于9月4日开启,为9月主题月预热,你准备好了吗? 【回顾8月 铁血与柔情并存】 就算是再刚硬的汉...

" new house "anniversary celebration of the first episode, Aishang August -- jagged tenderness is a successful ending. In this month, we experienced a jagged helicopter privilege and tenderness of the seventh evening of the seventh moon, September theme month is about to open the, this will bring what kind of surprise to the players? Anniversary of the new service on September 4th, opening, for the September issue of month preheat, are you ready? [back in August, jagged and tenderness coexist] even more rigid Han...