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龙之谷新版本新世界 全新冒险今日启程

Dragon Valley, a new version of a new world new adventures depart today Sina

2015-08-27 10:35:33来源: 新浪

新服:华南电信一区——新纪元 时间:2015年8月27日12:00 在众谷迷玩家的翘首期盼下,《龙之谷》“新世界”90级新版本终于将在今天揭开她神秘的头纱,露出自己的庐山真面目。全新的迷之大陆,为谷迷玩家打开新世界的大门。全新大陆,全新剧情,全新的90级,全新的关卡,全新的UI设...

new service: South China Telecom area -- new era of time: August 2015 27 12:00 in public Valley fans player eagerly look forward to, "Dragon Valley" "new world" 90 new version will finally today opened her mysterious veil, revealing their true colors. The new fan of the continent, for the valley fans to open the door of the new world. The new world, the new story, the new 90, the new level, a new UI design...

标签: 龙之谷