新关注 > 信息聚合 > 最后席位!新天龙全球争霸赛复活赛开启


The final seats! New Dragon World Championship tournament open

2015-08-27 11:54:14来源: 17173

3D浪漫武侠网游《新天龙八部》第五届全球争霸赛-大区赛已经结束,经过一个月紧张激烈的比赛,数万支战队参与其中。最终实力强劲的29支战队脱颖而出,成功晋级决赛!总决赛最后3个名额花落谁家,就在全球争霸赛复活赛中见分晓,让我们拭目以待! 今日新服火爆开启:唯美双线【纵情】 唯美双线【阡陌...

3D romantic martial arts online games, new dragon fifth, the eight world championship tournament has been over, after a month of intense competition, tens of thousands of teams involved in. The ultimate strength of the 29 teams come to the fore, the final success! The final 3 places flowers who, in the global Championship FuHuoSai see, let's rub one's eyes and wait! Today's hot new clothes open: beautiful two [] to [beautiful two qianmo...