新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《最后一炮》发布会开幕:与张召忠见证现代装甲..


The end of a gun "conference opening: Zhang Zhaozhong witness modern armored..

2015-08-27 13:37:34来源: 电玩巴士

中国现代装甲射击网游《最后一炮》发布会今日14:00正式开启!特别邀请军事领域权威张召忠将军、《最后一炮》制作人,近百家主流权威媒体和玩家,相约八一影视基地,共同见证全新现代装甲时代的来临。 中国现代装甲射击网游 9月11日开放内测 《最后一炮》官网:http://ff.zq...

China modern armored shooting games" a gun last conference today 14:00 officially opened! Invited the military authority in the field of General Zhang Zhaozhong, the end of a gun "producer, hundreds of authority of the mainstream media and internationally, meet Bayi film base, witnessed the advent of the new modern armored era. Open beta "Chinese modern armored shooting games in September 11th last shot" official website: http://ff.zq...