新关注 > 信息聚合 > 气得你怒砸主机 盘点游戏中十种让人火大的设定

气得你怒砸主机 盘点游戏中十种让人火大的设定

Gas stock you smashing host games in ten to fire large set of sina

2015-08-27 11:41:55来源: 新浪

玩游戏这件事尽管从整体而言是一个让人很愉快的过程,但难免遇到让人无名火起,甚至想砸手柄的情况。例如在某个超难的BOSS处卡关啊,破解不了游戏的谜题啊,或者是在网络对战中被人虐出血之类的。 除了游戏难度这个见仁见智的因素以外,很多游戏中都存在着一些让人难以理解的奇葩设定,今天我们就为大...

play games that although on the whole is a process of people happy,, but will inevitably encounter let the ring of fire, even want to hit the handle of the situation. For example, in a super hard BOSS in the card, ah, can not solve the game's puzzles, or in the network of the war was a child bleeding and so on. In addition to the controversial factor, the difficulty of the game, and many games there are some difficult for people to understand the wonderful setting. Today we have.

标签: 游戏