新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼中国总裁专访 畅谈PS4与PC能否互通

索尼中国总裁专访 畅谈PS4与PC能否互通

President of Sony China Interview talked about the PS4 and PC can host exchange

2015-08-27 11:41:55来源: 17173


entered China since, more and more domestic PC players to focus on video games, and PS4 country starting line of the "Nine Yang magic," and in full real-time network the concept of PC network game really introduce the main machine platform, and caused a lot of players for the PS4 and PC two platforms can communicate the questions. Recently, SONY China head, SEC China strategy department minister Da Takehito visit Suzhou snail headquarters, in talking about how to "nine"...

标签: 索尼 PC PS4 PS