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任天堂发布手游开发者招募信息 想吐槽要赶早

Nintendo released a mobile games developer recruitment information to Tucao to Ganzao

2015-08-27 11:41:55来源: TechWeb

任天堂与 DeNA 合作的五款手游将陆续问世,旗下子公司 The Pokemon Company 授权发行的口袋妖怪正统手游《Pokemon Shuffle Mobile》昨日上架,这种种迹象都表明了任天堂对瓜分手游这块肥沃田地充满着野心。如果你觉得小编在以管窥天的话,如下的招聘或许会让...

Nintendo and Dena cooperation of five kinds of travel will be published in succession, subsidiary of the Pokemon company authorized issuance of Pokemon orthodox hand travel Pokemon shuffle mobile, the shelves on yesterday, the signs that Nintendo to melon breaking up tour this fertile land is full of ambition. If you think small in the following look at the sky through a tube, may make the recruitment...

标签: 手游 任天堂