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霹雳江湖手游新手FAQ 新手玩家必备

FAQ novice novice players in the hand of the novice players in the game, but there will be some doubts, today

2015-08-27 11:57:04来源: 4399

霹雳江湖中新手玩家刚进入游戏时然免会有一些疑惑,今天小编跟大家分享一些关于新手玩家常见的问题和解决方式,希望能对新手玩家们有所帮助。 1. 问:铜币怎么获得? 答:铜币是游戏内主要消耗的货币,可以通过通关副本、打世界BOSS、参与各种活动、日常任务等方式获得。 2. 问:技能修炼丹...

to share with you some of the common problems and solutions, hoping to be helpful to novice players. 1 Q coins how? Answer: copper is currency within the game are mainly consumed can be through a copy of the clearance, boss of the world, participate in various activities, everyday tasks such as obtained. 2 Q: skills training...

标签: 手游 玩家