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《放了那只猪》新版本内容全解析 跑酷玩法开赛

The put the pig "the new version of the content analytic Parkour play start

2015-08-27 11:57:04来源: 4399

百变小萝莉赴汤蹈火救烤猪,这是跨越种族的真爱,只因为小女孩青梅竹马的他被妖怪变成了大肥猪。益智休闲解谜手游《放了那只猪》于上周迎来了全新版本,除了添加了全新雪地关卡还新增了酷炫了的跑酷玩法,拥有浓厚的CartoonNetwork无厘头风格,非常适合喜欢动脑解谜游戏的玩家。 新手难度调整...

variety little Lolita jump through hoops to save roast pig. This is interracial love, just because the little girl childhood he was monster into a big fat pig. Puzzle casual puzzle mobile games "put the pig" last week ushered in the new version, in addition to add the new snow levels also added a cool the Parkour play and have strong CartoonNetwork nonsense style, very suitable for like brain puzzle game players. Novice difficulty adjustment...