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被动就要挨打 细数《斗仙》NB被动技能

Passive beaten to count, "Dou Xian" NB passive skills

2015-08-27 12:32:32来源: 新浪

3D战斗网游《斗仙》新服“血染疆场”火爆预约中,明日14时新服即将开,一起倒计时吧!小编整理了几个实用的被动技能,各位仙友们可以在实战中用起来哟! 【全职业通用技能——罡身】 罡身是《斗仙》全职业通用的解除控制技能,冷却时间25秒,可以中断来自玩家的眩晕、鼎盛、冰冻及击飞技能的控...

3D fighting games, "Dou Xian" new clothes "bloody battlefield" are popular in the appointment, tomorrow 14 new service is about to open, the countdown bar! The arrangement of several small passive practical skills, you can use their Xianyou up in combat! [the general vocational skills - Gang body] body Gang is the Dou Xian "whole career general lift control skills, 25 seconds of cooling time, can interrupt the vertigo from the players, at the height of power and splendour, freezing and hit the flying skills of the control...