新关注 > 信息聚合 > X字报:无主之地3来了?正当防卫3送私人小岛


X word: No 3 of the land of the Lord? Justifiable defence 3 send a private island

2015-08-26 17:50:15来源: 178游戏网

我们一起扒一扒每日新游要闻:《正当防卫3》送小岛,卡马克的儿子用Racket开发了一个游戏,《无主之地3》要来了?游戏主题手柄免费送不停。 ◆《正当防卫3》送小岛。 好吧,此小岛并不是“小岛秀夫”那个小岛,而是为《正当防卫3》游戏内某个竞赛的优胜者送一座现实中的小岛,不得不说这真是...

together we grilled grilled a travelogue Daily News: the justifiable defense 3 "send Island, John Carmack's son with racket developed a game, the owners 3" to the? Theme game handle free to send non-stop. The "3" to send the island of justifiable defense. Well, this island is not "Kojima Hideo" the island, but for the "legitimate defense 3" game in a contest winner take a real Island, have to say that this is really...