新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《劲舞团3》二次封测来袭 打造潮流领袖

《劲舞团3》二次封测来袭 打造潮流领袖

"Dance Mission 3" secondary packaging and testing incoming create recently, legends of the pure love music interactive gaming masterpiece the audition 3 "will in late September, open the message of the second beta delete files has spread north and South t

2015-09-01 10:08:48来源: 17173

近日,燃情纯爱音乐互动网游巨作《劲舞团3》将于9月下旬开启第二次删档封测的消息已经传遍大江南北。这次的我们将为大家营造一个全新的WIA劲舞星球,绿意盎然,生机无限。 《劲舞团3》将提供给玩家最全的时尚宝典。韩范?欧美范?我们这儿统统都有!成为潮流领袖不再是遥不可及的梦想。你也可以在这...

. This time we will create a new WIA dance star, all green, infinite vitality. "Dance Mission 3" will provide the most complete collection of fashion game player. Korean fan? European and American fan? We are all here! Become a trend leader is no longer a distant dream. You can be here too...