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Steam秋季游戏节今日开启 多款试玩上架

Steam autumn game festival opens today

2020-10-08 09:46:32来源: 游戏时光

  Steam 秋季游戏节已于北京时间今日凌晨 1 点开启,将一直持续到 10 月 14 日凌晨 1 点结束。  游戏节期间有许多游戏提供免费试玩,有许多备受期待的作品也参加了此次游戏节,包括国产 RPG 《轩辕剑柒》、国产在线多人游戏《派对动物》、玩法奇特的解谜冒险游戏《Superliminal》和第一人称赛博朋克冒险游戏《幽灵行者》、国产银河恶魔城类游戏《暗影火炬城》等等。  活动时间段内也会有多场直播,开发者们会直播演示自己的游戏。  如果碰见了令自己满意的作品,别忘记加入愿望单。欢迎评论安利在这次游戏节上发现的宝藏游戏。来源:Steam

The steam autumn game Festival opened at 1:00 a.m. Beijing time today and will continue until 1:00 a.m. on October 14. During the festival, there are many free trials of games, and many highly anticipated works have also participated in the festival, including domestic RPG "Xuanyuan sword seven", the domestic online multiplayer game "party animals", the strange puzzle solving adventure game "superliminal" and the first person cyberpunk adventure game "ghost Walker", the domestic Galaxy devil City game "shadow torch city", etc. During the activity period, there will be several live broadcasts, and developers will show their own games live. Don't forget to add a wish list if you meet one that satisfies you. Welcome to comment on Amway's treasure game found in this game Festival. Source: steam

标签: 游戏 Steam