新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上汽通用雪弗兰全新科鲁兹上市 售10.99-16.99万元

上汽通用雪弗兰全新科鲁兹上市 售10.99-16.99万元

Saic gm Chevrolet cruze listed new RMB 10.99-169900

2016-07-20 17:17:16来源: 人民网


Today's Shanghai, July 20 (Reuters) (Eunice li), saic gm Chevrolet cruze new officially listed. New car is based on the American cruze, using the latest Chevrolet brand global generation family design language, also compared with the cash increase in body size, wheelbase and on up to 2700 mm. New car, a total of push...