新关注 > 信息聚合 > “活在南京”老物件展讲述“老”南京故事


"Live in Nanjing" old objects exhibition tells story of the "old" Nanjing

2015-09-10 14:10:20来源: 新华报业网

新华报业网讯 9月10日,“活在南京”老物件展亮相南京城市文化客厅。通过南京老搪瓷门牌空中展示、《生活在南京》个人影像展示、日常家用代表性物品实物展示、城市之音试听体验、老三星百货广告纸展示等,围绕...

Xinhua newspaper network Xinhua Newspaper Network News September 10, "live in Nanjing old thing debut exhibition of urban culture of Nanjing in the living room. Through the demonstration of Nanjing old enamel doorplate air, the living in Nanjing, image display, display daily household representative physical items, urban music listening experience, Samsung and old department store advertising paper display around...