新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀:那些拥有奥运健儿潜质的英雄


King of glory: those with Olympic athletes potential Heroes

2016-08-20 08:29:59来源: 新浪

里约奥运会开幕式大家都看了么?小编身为一个真(伪)运动迷,看到中国队浩浩荡荡地进场时,小心脏还是忍不住扑通扑通的乱跳呢。这次中国队仍然穿着 “番茄炒蛋”色的国家队服出征,这辨识度真是杠杠的。中国队作...

Have you watched the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympic Games? Small as a true (false) sports fans, see the China team to go forward with great strength and vigour comes into play, a small heart can not help but plop jump it. The expedition team China still wearing "tomato scrambled eggs" color of the team, the recognition is really awesome. China team work...

标签: 王者荣耀