新关注 > 信息聚合 > "四海同春"伦敦首演 观众冒雨一睹中华风采(图)

"四海同春"伦敦首演 观众冒雨一睹中华风采(图)

"Four seas with spring" premiere in London The audience see the elegant demeanour in the rain (FIG.)

2017-01-30 22:38:41来源: 广西新闻网

当地时间1月29日,2017年“文化中国·四海同春”欧洲二团亮相英国伦敦特拉法加广场,拉开了丁酉鸡年春节欧洲巡演的序幕。图为现场观众。 中新社记者 付强 摄

Local time on January 29, 2017 "cultural China with universal spring" two group at Trafalgar Square in London, England, Europe began Ding You chicken year Spring Festival tour in Europe. The graph of a live audience. China news agency reporters Mr Fu