新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陈妍希曝被陈晓追求经过:收到表白信息决定交往


Chenyanxi exposure is Chen pursuit after receipt of express information decided to contact

2015-09-26 10:32:14来源: 中国新闻网

中新网9月25日电 据台湾“东森新闻”报道,早前,陈晓与陈妍希承认恋情,获得粉丝祝福。近日,陈妍希首度曝光陈晓浪漫求爱的过程。 陈妍希大赞男友又帅又幽默,最重要的还有孝顺,虽然已经1个多月没有见面,但对方每天都会透过视频和她聊天。 谈到陈晓追爱的方法,陈妍希坦言2013年戏杀青后...

China News Network of 25, according to Taiwan's ETTV reported earlier, Chen and Michelle Chen admits affair, fans blessings. Recently, Michelle Chen first exposure Chen Xiao romantic courtship process. Chenyanxi praising her as handsome and humorous, the most important and filial piety, although it has been more than a month did not meet, but the other day will through video chat with her. When it comes to Chen Xiao chase love, Michelle Chen said in 2013 after fixing the play...