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《亲爱的翻译官》周南大结局 周南最后坐牢了吗

"Dear translator" zhou south end Played the last go to jail

2016-05-31 13:02:23来源: 国际在线

亲爱的翻译官周南大结局剧透 在电视剧《亲爱的翻译官》里,王仁君首次尝试反派角色饰演周南。前期的周南贵公子范儿十足,彬彬有礼,对文晓华非常好。然而一系列的家庭变故让周南变得个性极端,在知道文晓华仍...

Dear translator weeks ntu result revealed that the plot In the TV series "dear translator" ren-jun wang try villain play played for the first time. Early played childe rocks, polite, very good with Wen Xiaohua. However, a series of domestic misfortune makes played extreme personality, in the know Wen Xiaohua still...