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《剑破苍穹》开测前夕 版本前瞻

"Sword broken sky" on the eve of the opening test version of prospective

2016-01-28 16:21:47来源: 天极网

距离1月30日的开测又近了一步啦,小伙伴们一定是蠢蠢欲动,急不可耐了吧,那就让我们一起来看看这次开测保留了哪些原版系统,更新了哪些主要内容吧! 此次《剑破苍穹》开测,开放了全部地图以及全部副本。...

From the January 30th open test is a step closer, buddies must be ready to, can scarcely wait it, let us look at the open test which retains the original system, which main content update! The "sword broken sky" open test, open all the maps and all copies. ...