新关注 > 信息聚合 > 帕多因:哪怕尤文分成两支球队,都能拿冠军


Pedro: even if juve are divided into two teams, can win

2016-09-22 17:15:29来源: 华体网

体育9月22日讯 卡利亚里球员西蒙尼-帕多因曾在跟随尤文拿到了意甲5连冠,如今他和新东家卡利亚里回到了尤文竞技场。 这名多面手接受《米兰体育报》采访时说:“再次见到尤文的老友们感觉非常棒,但在场上...

Sports on September 22 - cagliari player simone - pedro because in took five consecutive serie a with juve, now he and his new employer cagliari back to Juventus arena. The generalist in an interview with la gazzetta dello sport: "it felt great to have to meet juve's longtime friends again, but on the pitch...