新关注 > 信息聚合 > 终于不再鸡肋了!7.0随机团掉落T19套装


Finally no longer chicken ribs! 7.0 random drop T19 suit

2016-05-28 12:49:58来源: 多玩游戏

7.0随机团队掉落不再区别于普通,英雄和史诗模式,现在四个难度掉落相同物品,只是物品等级有差别! raid副本暗夜要塞掉落T19套装,分为随机团队,普通,英雄和史诗模式。 随机团队,普通和英雄共享套...

7.0 random team drops no different from ordinary, hero and epic pattern, same item drop four difficulty now, just item level has the difference! Raid copy of the dark fortress drops T19 suit, divided into random team, ordinary, hero and epic pattern. Random group, normal and heroic Shared set of...