新关注 > 信息聚合 > 聆听中国梦的铿锵脚步


Listen to the Chinese dream of sonorous footsteps

2017-01-29 10:14:24来源: 光明网

光明日报评论员 年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。除夕夜看春晚,成为中国人最温暖的陪伴。从1983年至今,春晚已经走过了34个年头,春晚早已成为中国的文化缩影,早已成为几代中国人集体记忆中不可或缺...

Guangming daily commentator Each New Year flower similar, but each person is different every year. On New Year's eve to watch Spring Festival gala, become the most warm with the Chinese. Since 1983, Spring Festival gala has gone through a 34 year, Spring Festival gala has been a microcosm of Chinese culture, has become an essential part of several generations of Chinese collective memory...