新关注 > 信息聚合 > 成品油调价窗口开启 25日晚有望迎年内首降

成品油调价窗口开启 25日晚有望迎年内首降

Oil price adjustment window is expected to open the evening of 25, the first decline in the year

2017-01-25 11:20:21来源: 搜狐

从近期国际原油市场来看,美国原油产量恐进一步回升引发了市场的普遍担忧,欧佩克(石油输出国组织)减产协议的利好效果打了折扣。 受此影响,本计价周期以来,国际油价涨少跌多,原油均价处于低位。在此情况...

Judging from the recent international crude oil market, the United States fear further recovery of crude oil production caused widespread concern in the market, OPEC (OPEC) cut the favorable effect of the agreement to discount. Affected by this valuation cycle, the international oil prices rose more or less, the average price of crude oil is low. In this case...