新关注 > 信息聚合 > 春节前人才市场最后一场招聘会 300余企业抓紧揽人

春节前人才市场最后一场招聘会 300余企业抓紧揽人

Before the Spring Festival last talent market recruitment of more than 300 enterprises to get people

2015-12-26 16:11:46来源: 中国宁波网

招聘会现场。 中国宁波网12月26日讯(记者 周琼 通讯员 檀怡)今天上午举行的冬季大型人才招聘会,是春节前中国宁波人才市场推出的最后一场大型综合性人才招聘会。342家企业携1686个岗位入场揽人...

recruitment site. China Ningbo network December 26th news (reporter Tan Yi correspondent Zhou Qiong) held this morning in the winter large-scale talent recruitment, is the Spring Festival, China's Ningbo talent market launched the final large-scale comprehensive talent recruitment. 342 enterprises with 1686 jobs admission...