新关注 > 信息聚合 > 时尚电商走秀网完成C轮3000万美元融资


Fashion business network serves the completion of C round of $30 million in financing

2015-05-19 10:59:50来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 5月19日上午消息,时尚电商走秀网宣布完成C轮3000万美元融资,领投方为怡和联创,KPCB等原机构投资方和创始团队跟投。 走秀网本轮融资将主要用于4方面,分别是提高购物体验,巩固国...

sina science and Technology News May 19 morning news, fashion catwalk electricity supplier network announced the completion of $30 million C round of financing, and brought Party voted for Jardine Lianchuang, KPCB original institutional investors and the founding team with the vote. The network serves this round of financing will be used mainly in 4 aspects, respectively is to improve the shopping experience, consolidate the country...

标签: 电商