新关注 > 信息聚合 > Win10新技能get!不用键鼠执行安装过程


Win10 get new skills. No keyboard or perform the installation process

2016-12-28 10:06:24来源: 中关村在线

在系统安装过程中,我们已经习惯通过鼠标多次点击“下一步”来进行安装。不过近日有外媒报道,微软计划在Windows 10系统安装过程中引入语音助手Cortana,用户可以说“Next”来执行下一步安装...

In the process of system installation, we have used many times with the mouse click "next" to proceed with installation. But recently, foreign media reported Microsoft plans in Windows voice assistant Cortana, introduced 10 system installation process, user can say "Next" to carry out the installation...