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世预赛欧洲区-小德赫迪拉破门 德国2-0北爱尔兰

World Cup qualifier in Europe - druid khedira scoring Germany's 2-0 in Northern Ireland

2016-10-13 03:34:29来源: 华体网

赫迪拉头球破门 讯 北京时间10月12日凌晨2:45,世界杯预选赛欧洲区C组第三轮开赛,德国队在汉诺威的HDI球场迎战北爱尔兰。凭借第13分钟德拉克斯勒的远射破门,以及17分钟赫迪拉的头球建功,德国队主场2-0轻取北爱尔兰,拿到小组赛三连胜,进8球0失球,暂列小组第一。 前两场比赛中...

Khedira header On October 12, Beijing time at 2:45, World Cup qualifying group C Europe in the third round, Germany hannover HDI stadium against Northern Ireland. On the 13th minute drax's long shots, and 17 minutes khedira premiership, Northern Ireland, the only Germany's 2-0 at home, to obtain a group run into 8 ball clean sheets, for the team first. The first two games...