新关注 > 信息聚合 > 官方:拉科前锋安东内获12月西甲最佳球员


Official: deportivo forward Anton won the Spanish player in December

2017-01-14 06:51:58来源: 华体网

足球1月14日讯 西甲官方今天宣布了12月份的联赛最佳球员,拉科鲁尼亚前锋安东内最终当选。 安东内是去年夏天加盟拉科鲁尼亚的,虽然在加盟之后安东内有一段时间状态不佳,但是在去年最后一个月的联赛里,...

On January 14, football The Spanish authorities announced today that the best player in the league, in December deportivo la coruna striker Anton was chosen. Anton is joining the deportivo la coruna last summer, although after joining Anton has poor condition for a period of time, but in the final months of last year's league,...