新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蔡洪:商业地产规模空置率比空房率还差


Cai Hong: scale commercial real estate vacancy rate than the vacancy rate is still poor

2016-07-22 23:25:07来源: 金融界

黑龙江暨哈尔滨房地产商会会长、乐松文化公司董事长 桑洪 金融界网站讯 2016年博鳌 21世纪房地产论坛第16届年会于7月20-23日在海南三亚隆重举行。本次年会主题为“房地产的想象力:供给侧优化...

Heilongjiang province and Harbin real estate chamber of commerce, loxoprofen chairman of the board of directors of the company culture SangHong finance website - 2016 boao real estate BBS in the 21st century the 16th annual meeting on July 20-23, was held in sanya, hainan. The conference theme of "real estate imagination: supply side optimization...