新关注 > 信息聚合 > 格力电器总裁董明珠:要把"互联网工具"用好用足


Dong Mingzhu, President of GREE electric appliances: to make good use of Internet tools foot

2016-08-01 07:37:31来源: 人民网

图为董明珠。(资料图片) 日前,人民日报海外网一行在珠海格力总部会议室采访了格力电器董事长兼总裁董明珠。 这是一位商界的传奇女性,颇多争议但也荣誉傍身,二十余年间成绩斐然。 当天,董明珠...

Pictured Dong Mingzhu. (picture) the day before, people's Daily overseas network line in Zhuhai GREE headquarters Conference Room Interview with GREE chairman and President Dong Mingzhu. This is a business woman, a lot of controversy but also honor near the body, more than 20 years achievements. The same day, Dong Mingzhu...