新关注 > 信息聚合 > 佳洁士启动920爱牙日宝洁希望小学爱牙行动


Crest start 920 love teeth day p&g hope primary school love action

2016-09-22 02:12:05来源: 中国网

-让中国的明天笑得更灿烂 昆明2016年9月21日电 /美通社/ -- 2016年9月20日,在中国第17个“全国爱牙日”,佳洁士携手希望工程,来到云南省禄丰县和平镇宝洁全球员工希望小学,与全校近四百名学生一起,上了一堂别开生面的“爱牙健康课”。佳洁士为师生们带来了佳洁士爱牙套装和爱...

- let China smile more brilliant tomorrow Kunming in September, 2016, 21 (Reuters)/pr newswire / - on September 20, 2016, in China the 17th "love teeth day" across the country, crest project hope hand in hand, came to yipinglang peaceful town in yunnan province p&g global staff hope primary school, with the entire school nearly four hundred students, on an entirely new "love teeth health class". Crest for teachers and students brought a crest tooth suits and love...